The purpose of the Bioenergy Feedstocks Symposium is to provide researchers, farmers and industry leaders with information about current bioenergy research at the University of Illinois and various external institutions and companies focusing on the use of perennial grasses as a potential renewable energy source for and profitable alternative crop for the Midwest. Topics will range from breeding and improvement to thermochemical conversion of biomass fuels to biorefinery operation.
The Bioenergy Feedstocks Symposium addresses issues that are relevant to farmers, researchers, academics, industrial professionals and local, regional, state government officials and related staff. This Symposium should be of interest to anyone concerned with rural economic development opportunities and sustainable energy, particularly as they relate to the Midwest.
The first Bioenergy Feedstocks Symposium was held in 2005 and sponsored by the Illinois Council on Food and Agricultural Research (C-FAR) Special Research Initiative: Bioenergy Energy Crops Investigated for Power and Heat Generation in Illinois. The event lasted half a day, and there were 25 attendees, and since has established a returning audience and credibility within the bioenergy community. With increased local and national interest in bioenergy, the 2010 symposium featured 19 speakers and attracted over 250 attendees.
A special thanks
to our sponsors:
Energy Biosciences Institute
LI-COR Biosciences
New Energy Farms